[PAO] The American Red Cross Versus Civil Air Patrol Public Relations

Arthur Woodgate awoodgate at austin.rr.com
Sat Oct 3 13:16:41 CDT 2015


Please be advised that by not giving your full name and affiliation, what
you have to say sounds a great deal like sour grapes - and most of us view
it in that light.

Lt. Col. Arthur Woodgate, CAP
SWR Director of Public Affairs  

-----Original Message-----
From: cap-pao-bounces at lists.sempervigilans.org
[mailto:cap-pao-bounces at lists.sempervigilans.org] On Behalf Of Ken
Sent: Saturday, October 03, 2015 12:27 PM
To: CAP Public Affairs Officers
Subject: [PAO] The American Red Cross Versus Civil Air Patrol Public

IMHO admit that the American Red Cross by far seems to have a consistent &
successful public relations plan in regards to everything they do
nationally, regionally, and locally.

 From a natural disaster standpoint they appear to have ready to go media
release/talking points for the preparation, response, & mitigation 
phases of disasters.   Volunteers & paid staff are in a consistent 
uniform, easy identifying them as ARC, with what appears to me to be
standard talking points.  They have the ability to get immediate media
coverage showing them doing good things!  The news media definitely sees 
them as an organization to provide coverage for!   Even during local 
type incidents (e.g. apartment fires) this same type of public relations
presentation to the media occurs and aids them in obtaining funds.

Contrast this with CAP.  No really consistent uniform (in fact if BDU, BBDU
are worn and the orange safety vest is worn, total organization identify is
missing).  IF assisting another government organization perception is that
nothing can be released about CAP's support.  Very little released regarding
CAP preparedness to provide assistance (e.g. 
photo recon training exercise with local pictures released).   
Inconsistent approach (actually missing opportunities) to providing releases
to the news media.  With hurricane season upon us many opportunities for
getting the word out about CAP!

Perhaps National should consider developing a disaster/emergency services
internal operations support kit (e.g. pre prepared type media releases
(templates) that certain information just has to be filled in for specific
type incidents, as well as general type media releases on 
CAP's typical disaster relief missions).   Perhaps even a National PAO 
Duty officer needs to be immediate/near immediate available to assist field
PAO's with successfully writing/releasing news media releases, perhaps even
sending the releases on behalf of the field PAO's.

A good gauge to see the Red Cross' news media success is to use google news
search engine "American Red Cross".

Former PAO

Subscribed Email Address: awoodgate at austin.rr.com CAP-PAO mailing list
CAP-PAO at lists.sempervigilans.org

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