[PAO] Efficacy of Specific Social Media Platforms

Bruce Kipp paa.sdwg at gmail.com
Sun Mar 1 11:07:05 CST 2015

South Dakota Wing currently uses the a Website, Facebook and Twitter to get
the word out to our internal and external audiences. CAP regulations say we
must maintain a website. Okay, no problem. Recent very high level
discussions have come to the feeling that Facebook is ancient and that
Twitter is nearly obsolete. There is growing impetus for us to expand into
Instagram and Snapchat. While I am willing to consider doing so I am not
sure that these two social media platforms would really be all that useful
as a tool to communicate with our internal and external audiences.
Therefore, I am asking you, what social media platforms does your unit use
and how effective have they proven to be?


*   Maj. Bruce Kipp, CAP*   SD Public Affairs Officer

    bruce.kipp at sdcap.us

    U.S. Air Force Auxiliary
     gocivilairpatrol.com <http://www.gocivilairpatrol.com/>

    <https://www.facebook.com/SDWingCAP> <https://twitter.com/SDWingCAP>[image:
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